All rivers flow towards the sea. So do all sadhus incessantly long for Shri Rama’s darshan. Shri Rama is always amidst the innumerable sadhus. When he was Baala Rama (Young Rama) Viswamitra took him to the forest. Rama and Lakshmana stayed with him. After Sita Kalyanam he proceeded to the forest. There he stayed with the sages for almost 14 years. Even after the pattabhishekam several sadhus visited Ayodhya and spoke about Ravana. Thus sadhus always adore Rama without any differentiation as regards place, age or stature. Be it Ayodhya or the forest, be it child hood Rama or 25 year old Rama, be it king Rama or vanavasa Rama they revere him.
AARYAHA: Shri Rama is revered by one and all. Viswamitra preached and taught Rama the usage of all weapons/their mantras. At once all the devas appeared before 15 year old Shri Rama and said “we are at your service”. Thus right from the Devas, sages, karmayogis like Janaka all respected Rama.
SARVASAMASCHAIVA: Shri Rama treated one and all alike. His affection catered to brhama nishtas like Vashishta, hunters like Guha. Thus in the family of Rama there were monkeys, a squirrel, a bear, an eagle, a rakshasa and so on.
SADAIVA PRIYA DARSHANAHA: One despises material things the more and more one indulges in it. However the more and more one sees Rama the more and more one would love to see him. Every time one sees him, the love and affection grows beyond boundaries.