1. Srimad Bhagavatha Sapthaham, Hyderabad

SriVenkatrama ganapadigal has established an institution by name “Veda Bhavanam” at Secunderabad. He runs a Veda patashala. This patashala trains almost 100 students at a time. Sri HariAnna’s saptaham was beautifully organized at Veda Bhavanam from june 4th to 10th. Sri HariAnna commenced the saptaham with a beautiful introduction on the greatness of Vedas. Vedas are eternal. It is beyond time and tide. The age of puranas and ithihasas has been deciphered. However the age of Vedas is still under research. Bhagavatham is the fruit of Vedas. If Vedas be a tree the Bag2.avatham is its fruit. There is no fruit without a tree. There is no Bagavatham without Vedas – thus he said. Every day he quoted Veda mantras during his pravachan. Krishna leelas were full of bhava and rasa. It was joyous to patashala students. Always Divyanama is grandeur at Veda Bhavanam. Almost 50 students participate in the Divyanama with enthusiasm. The unchvruthi went on from 10.00 to 10.45A.M. on Sunday. It was followed by a grand RadhaKalyanam from 11.00 to 12.30. Everyday there was parayanam, astapathi, govinda shatakam, dolothsavam etc.
2. Srimad Bhagavatha Sapthaham, Srirangam

It is the streets of Srirangam, Vadakku Chithrai veedy to be specific. There is a huge crowd of devotees gathered to hear HariAnna’s lecture series on Bhagavatham from june 19th to 27th. Sri HariAnna began the first day lecture meditating upon the Ranganatha. “There are several sayanas of the Lord – Bhoga sayana, Yoga sayana, Chala sayana, Jala sayanam, Sthala sayanam. Out of these the lord is at Yoga sayanam in Srirangam. This is the form the lord assumes before srushti, controlling within Him all matter. He alone exists. Vyasar begins the Bhagavatham by meditating upon that very swaroopa. That swaroopa created Brahma himself, and bestowed Brahma with gnanam(wisdom). Maya pushes us into samsara taking us away from this swaroopa. However this swaroopa shines well beyond Maya.
Thus the very first sloka represents Lord Ranganatha” continued HariAnna. He showered quotations from Azhwar pasurams and spoke much about Namperumal. “At other places the pravachanams are conducted at halls are sabhas. It is only at Srirangam veedhi that we are fortunate to listen to and conduct pravachanam at the very feet of Namperumal”- thus said HariAnna. The audience was highly excited.
3. Venkatachala Mahatmiyam, Chennai

By the bountiful grace of Lord Srinivasa and goddess Padmavathy the Venkatadri Mahatmyam series by smt. VishakaHari at Asthika samaj, Alwarpet, Chennai was a grand success. The function was held for 3 days at a stretch. The Harikatha was attended by an overflowing crowd of 2,500 devotees. Smt. Vishaka presented the sangeetha upanyasam from SriSriAnna’s DivyaDesha vaibhavam, Anna’s telgu keerthanas, Annamacharya, Dikishitar, Tyagarajar, Papanasam sivam, Pattinam SubramaniIyer, Purandaradas songs interspersed with Azhwar pasurams. The program was very well organized by Shri A.K.Ramamurthy, founder of Vedic Sangeetha Foundation. 2 big plasma screens, 2 small LCD TVS, 4 screens in all facilitated all devotees to enjoy the harikatha in closer view. Prasadams were distributed to all everyday. On the concluding day a huge Srinivasa momento from Tirupathi was presented to her as prasadam.