Friday, August 1, 2008



Vishnuna sadrusho veerye somavat priya darshanaha|
Kalagni sadrusha: krodhe kshamaya pruthivi samaha||

“Vishnuna sadrusho veerye”
SriRama is parallel to Vishnu in valour. Suka says Lord Vishnu is “Nirastha samya”, The Upanishads declare Him as “ Na thathsamaschabyadhikascha drushyathe”, The Azhwars contend that He is “Opparillappan”. However SriRama is none other than Vishnu’s incarnation. Hence this is not against their statements.
“somavat priya darshanaha”
Sri Rama matches the moon in beauty. The moon’s cool rays are a great blessing for those suffering from the scorching heat of summer. Similarly Sri Ram’s cool glances of sympathy bestow peace and happiness to those suffering from the heat of samsara. However there is a striking difference between the moon and the Sri Ram. The moon waxes and wanes. Ram is always poornan (like the full moon). The moon is cast with eclipses. Sri Ram is uneclipsed and faultless.
“Kalagni sadrusha: krodhe”
The mahapurushas never show their anger against anybody. But it is a virtue to get angry at those punishable. Infact it is one of the major roles of each incarnation to destroy the wicked. Hence Sri Ram’s anger equals the Pralayagni when he opposes the cruel and the wicked.
"Kshamaya prithivisama:" To forget is human. To forgive is Divine.
Bhumi devi (the mother earh) is otherwise known as ‘Sarvamsaha’ which denotes bearer of great burden. She is burdened with huge trees, mountains, buildings and mansions. She even overlooks the fact that we all walk on her with shoes and chappals. Sri Ram is the embodiment of patience just as mother earth. None can forgive a criminal who has kidnapped his own wife. But Ram did. He said ‘Yadi Va Ravana: svayam’ “if Ravana beg my pardon I shall forgive him too.” Neverthless Ravana did not budge an inch from his egoistic actions. Thus Sri Ram is Lord of Patience. Even the earth cracks and gives vent to earthquakes. Sri Ram never looses his patience.



Utsavam - Gokulastamy utsavam
Date - Aug 24th to Sep 2nd
Village - Paranoor

II HariAnna's programs(August 2008)

1. Srimad Bhagavatha saptaham, Kancheepuram

Date: July 30th to August 5th
Town: Kancheepuram
Venue: Kanchy Kamakoty Shankara Mutt
Time: 6.30P.M to 8.30P.M

2. Srimad Bhagavatha Pravachanam, Guruvayoor

Date: Aug 8th to 10th
Town; Guruvayoor
Venue: Rugmini Regency hall, East Nada
Time: 6.30A.M to 12.00P.M and 2.00P.M to 6.30P.M

3. Sri Krishnaleela Pravachanam, Villupuram
Date: Aug 17th to 22nd
Town: Villupuram
Venue: Vaikunta Vasal Perumal Kovil, Perumal Kovil Street, Villupuram
Time; 7.00P.M to 9.00P.M

III VishakaHari's Programs (July 2008)

1. Chennai Program:

Date: Aug1st
Venue: Image Auditorium
Time: 7.00P.M to 9.00P.M

Quiz On Srimad Bhagavatham [ AUGUST 2008]

Quiz On Srimad Bhagavatham [ AUGUST 2008]

Rules and Regulations:
1. The answers should be mailed within 25th of the month to
2. Points will be alloted for the First, second and Third prizes.First - 10 Second - 8 Third - 6
3. The points will be cumulated every month if you get first, second or third.
4. The participants with the maximum points will be awarded first, second and third prizes at the end of the year.
5. The prizes will be distributed by Hariji at a grand function held at the end of the year.

QUESTIONS: [Chapter 5 to 10 – I canto]

1. Devarshi: praha viprarshim – Who is Devarshi and who is viprarshi in this phrase?

2. How old was Narada in his previous birth when he was blessed with Satsangam?

3. Did Narada have brothers and sisters in his previous birth?

4. How many times did Narada partake the prasadam offered by these Sadhus?

5. During Narada’s previous birth Sadhus stayed at his place. Which season did they stay there?

Answers for the month of July:

1. In which yuga did Vyasa avathara take place?
Dvapara Yuga
2. What is the name of Vyasa’s mother?
Who are the five disciples of Vyasa?
Paila, Jaimini, Sumantu, Vaishampayana and Romaharshana.
Which sastras did Vyasa preach to his diciples. Specify individually to which
disciple each shastra was taught?
Vyasa taught Rig-Veda to Paila, Yajur-Veda to Vaishampayana, Sama-Veda to Jaimini,
Atharvana Veda to Sumantu and Itihasa-Puranas to Romaharshana
Vyasa met Narada on the banks of a river. Name the river.

July Winners:

1. Sethuraman - 10+30=40 points
1. Usha - 10 points
1. Gurumurthy - 6+10=16 points
2. AparnaGanesh - 8+24=32 points
2. PadmaNarayanan - 8 points
3. VittalRangan - 6+6=12 poin



Srivilliputhur – Part – II

Once there lived in Srivilliputhur a devout Brahmin by name Vishnuchitha. He is famous as Periyazhwar. He is considered to be the incarnation of “Garuda” – the Divine vahana(vehicle) Lord Narayana. Periyazhwar rejoiced hearing the transcendental pastimes of the Lord Krishna. He fostered immense vatsalya bhava (motherly affection) towards the Lord. He wrote many verses (Pasurams) on the Lord’s divine leelas following the footsteps of sage Vyasa who wrote Bhagavatham. This work is known as “Periyazhwar Thirumozhi”. He made SriVilliputhur his home town. There he grew a beautiful garden, sowed it with flowers of devotion. Every morning and evening he made beautiful garlands and sent it to Lord Vatapathrasayi.
One day the Lord in his dream asked Periyazhwar to establish the supremacy of Vishnu(Vishnu Parathva) at the court of Vallabha Deva Pandya king – “Do not worry. I will speak from within you” – thus blessed the Lord. As ordered he did go to the king’s court and win over all other religions. The prize money containing gold coins fell instantaneously into Periyazhwar’s hands. He used the prize money to expand the garden and offer more flowers to the Lord. The king who wished to celebrate Periyazhwar’s success arranged for a procession of periyazhwar on the elephant. It was at this point that the Lord on Garuda appeared in the opposite direction before Periyazhwar. Periyazhwar thrilled by His enchanting beauty sang the famous “Pallandu Pallandu pallayirathandu palakoti Nurayiram” – Oh Lord may you live for thousands of years to come. As periyazhwar out of his motherly affection sang this mangalasasanam he came to be known as Periyazhwar. Indeed everything is big for the Lord – Periya kovil, Periyapiratti, Periyagopuram and periyazhwar.
It is to this Periyazhwar that the goddess earth (Bhu devi) came as a child. This child is none other than Andal, and she incarnated in none other month that this month – Adi (July – August), on a Friday in the star of pooram. The Lord holds Periyazhwar close to His heart (Chitham) and periyazhwar holds the Lord close to his bosom (Chitham). So the Vishnuchitha befits Periyazhwar.