Iyam Seetha Mama Sutha Sahadharmachari Thava
Pratheechchachainam Badram The Panimgruhneeshva Paanina
It is a beautiful practice to do the upasana of the Lord along with His consort.Ravana wanted to attain only Seetha. He tried to separate her from Rama. Finally death took upon him.Surpanakha wanted to attain only Rama and not Seetha, her nose and ears were cut in the process. Hanuman made all efforts to unite them both. He became world famous because of his good attitude. “Sridharan, Sreekaran,Srinivasan, Sriman”- all these names in the sahasranama refer to the Lord and His consort.
Vishwamithra conducted a yaga at the sidhasrama only for the purpose of fulfilling his desire to get Rama married to Sita.This was what he meant indirectly while speaking to Dasaratha “ Sreyaschasmai pradasyami”- I shall beget all fortune upon your children. He brought them to sidhdhasrama and then to Mithila. All the citizens welcomed them happily. Sri Rama broke the Shivadhanush. Dasarath came along with Bharatha and Shatrugna and got all four of them engaged. On the day of marriage Sri Rama was beautifully decked up with all ornaments. Vasishta completed his formailities. Sita Devi wore beautiful anklets on her feet,, a rich silk saree with swan border, bangles,, bracelets, diamond, ruby necklaces,chains, Kasi Mala, studded earrings, red lips, pearl like teeth, attractive nose,, broad forehead,,tilak, curly hair, Chandra prabha, surya prabha she looked exquisitely beautiful. Two of her friends accompanied her along. She walked like a swan, Janaka took her near Rama and gave her hand to Him. As he does the Panigrahana he says the above sloka
Iyam Seetha
I got this Seetha as I was ploughing the land.Hence the name SeethaImmediately I heard a voice from the skies “ May you nurture her as your own child” Hence I boldly declare her as “ Mama Sutha”- my child.
“ Sahadharmachari Thava” Whichever Dharama you follow she will follow suit. Seetha Devi follows both samaanya and Vishesha Dharma.. Rama went to the forest and thus showed the greatness of truth. Seetha followed suit and showed the greatness of Pathibhakthi.
Pratheechcha chinam Badram the: May you accept such a pathivratha as your wife.Janaka now places Seetha’s golden hands on Rama’s hands which shone like a maragatha pillar. For a second Janaka was himself stunned hence he says “ Badram The “- May you beget all fortune.
Sapthapathi, Lajahomam, Thirumangalyadharanam etc were conducted in all festivity. It is said that Seetha Kalyana mahothsavam took place during Panguni uththaram.