Thasmin Puravare hrushta Dharmathmano bahusruthaha
Narasthushta Danaihi svaiahi svairalubdhaha sathyavaadinaha
Varneshtvagrayachathurtheshu devathatithipoojakaha
Kruthazhaascha vadaanyascha shoora vikramasamyuthaha
KShathram Brahmamukam chaased vaishyaha Kshathramanuvrathaha
Shudraha svakarmanirathaha threen varnanupachaarinaha
If a nation has to prosper it depends on its ruler and the subjects. Both the ruler and the citizens should be patriotic, righteous and hard working. They must always focus on developing the nation. The ruler too must be intent on routing out corruption and must not succumb to material pleasure. His aim must be to make live his subjects. The citizens too should not feel lazy and expect easy money. Sage Valmiki describes beautifully the citizens of Ayodhya.
Valmiki writes: “The people of Ayodhya were sincere and righteous besides being extremely intelligent. They were well read. It is indeed important to be literate so that people can choose the right leader. As the people were righteous obviously they were God fearing. Hence the pooja in the temples were conducted at right times. Hence the Gods blessed the nation and consequently the nation prospered. The people spoke nothing but the truth. Dasaratha gave up his life for the sake of truth. Rama sacrificed his kingdom for the sake of truth. The subjects were willing to sacrifice anything infact for the sake of truth. They were not greedy but were contended with their earnings. They were great donors and also warriors.
Kshatram Brahmamukam chaaseth: The Brahmins followed their dharma. They led lives as per the Vedhic principles. They were highly intelligent and also knew the science of missiles. If required they could even rule the nation. Still they led lives like saints allowing the kshatriyas to rule over. To cite an example vasishta was the one who prepared Rama and the rest as great warriors. When Dasaratha died he took over the rule of Ayodhya until Bharatha came back from kekaya desha.
Vaishyaha Kshatramauvrathaha
Business is the livelihood of vaishyas. The nation prospers because of exports. Also it is important that we have good relationship with other nations in order to have business contacts with them. Dasaratha was friendly with all neighbouring states and hence the business prospered greatly. Hence Valmiki says “ vaishyas followed Kshatriyas.
Shoodraha Svakarmanirathaha: It is the people of the fourth class who are really hard working. The development of the nation entirtely depends on them. The subjects of Ayodhya who belonged to the working class were totally loving and intent on their work.