Sa vai Raghavashardula Dharmasthvamabhirakshathu
Yanmangalam Sahsrakshe Sarvadevanamaskrute
Vruthranashe samabhavath Tattebhavatu mangalam
Yanmangalam Suparnasya vinataakalpayatpura
Amrutham Prarthayaanasya Tatte bhavatu mangalam
Threen vikraman vikramatho vishnoramihatejasaha
Yadaseenmangalam Rama Thatte Bhavatu Mangalam
The love showered by a mother towards her child is called vatsalyam. We can perceive this vatsalayam all over the world. We can notice this even in nature. If birds give birth to young ones , they build nests, bring prey for their young ones and place the prey into their small mouths. If a cow gives birth to a calf it automatically secretes milk on the very sight of its calf. The fish bring up their young ones purely by their very sight ( very look). The tortoise brings up its young ones by its very thought ( remembrance).
Thus we can perceive vathsalyam all around the world. A mother shows extreme affection even towardsa cruel son. If it be so it is imperceivable to measure the amount of affection Kousalya had for her son who was an Avatharapurusha Himself. Thus she cried bitterly when Rama left towards the forest. Rama consoled her telling her the principles of Dharma. She then blesses Rama that he be safe and sound in the forest. “ You have left the kingdom for the sake of dharma. Let that dhrama save you for which you have sacrificed everything. Vruthrasura was a huge demon. Devendran wanted to destroy him, mother of Indra- Adithi blessed him. Indra destroyed Vruthra. Rama killed Ravana the samew ay. Let those blessings come to you. Vinatha, mother of garuda blessed him on his journey to fetch nectar. Let that blessing come to you.Garuda got nectar. Rama got back Seetha. When Vaman Bhagavan started to measure the whole world Adithi blessed Him. Let those blesseings beget you. Vamana measured the entire world. Rama measured from Ayodhya to Lanka.