Snigdho Dharmaratho Dheeraha sathatham Satpathe stithaha
Priyaha Pranasamo Vashyo Vijeyascha sakha cha me
Mayaadya saha soumithre thvayi gachchathi thad vanam
Ko Bhajishyathi Kousalyam Sumithram va yashasvinim
Thavaiva Thejasa veera Bharataha Poojayishyati
Kousalyam cha Sumithram cha Prayato Naasti Samshayaha
In this sloka Sri Rama Himself describes Lakshmana’s qualities. He had immense love for Rama. He did not go astray from Dharma. He was a brave warrior and always treaded the path of virtue. He was Rama’s life. He was a controller of senses and also was a friend of Rama. Rama praised Lakshmana by all these words. He said to Lakshmana “ You need not come with me to the forest. If you come with me who will take crae of Kousalya and Sumithra? Hence be here and serve them.” Lakshmana replied “ Bharatha will take care of Kousalya and Sumithra. Bharatha is a high soul. I will not let you go without me. Hence I beg you to take me along with you to the forest.