1. The answers should be mailed within 25th of the month to annahariji@gmail.com
2. Points will be alloted for the First, second and Third prizes.First - 10 Second - 8 Third - 6
3. The points will be cumulated every month if you get first, second or third.
4. The participants with the maximum points will be awarded first, second and third prizes at the end of the year.
5. The prizes will be distributed by Hariji at a grand function held at the end of the year.
1.Whom did Vyasacharya see in his mind for the first time?
2.What is sathvatha Samhitha?
3.What type of Bhakthi will the athmaramas do?
4.Was Parikshith a king Raja or a Rajarishi?
5.Who is Drouni?
1.How did Narada lead the rest of his life after the ashareeravak ( anonymous call) pacified him?
Ans :Narada led a happy life singing the Divine names of the Lord, ever remembering His transcendental pastimes, without attachment or desire, envy or pride.
2) Do the wise suffer from Prarabdakarma or can they escape from its clutches?
ANS: Gnanis also suffer prarabdakarma
3) What did the Lord give Narada as a gift?
4) What other blessing did the Lord give Narada?
Ans :The Lord gives darshan in his heart forever.Moreover the lord blessed him that he could travel all the three worlds without any obstruction
5) How does Narada bestow happiness to this world?
Ans :Narada satisfies and pleases the samsaris by singing Bhagavathgunas.
1.Aparna- I-56+10 points
2.Sethuraman -I- 70+10 points
3.Padma Narayan -I-34+10 points
4.Natraj Punjai- II-14+8 points
5.Thaila -III-8+6 points
6.Gurumoorthy -III-32+6 points
7.Karthik Venkataraman-III-26+6
8.Srividhya Sri -III-26+6 points
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