“ Brundavanam sakhi bhuvo vithanothi keerthim”- thus the Gopis extol the glory of Brundavanam.Just as the other forests Brundavanam too has rivers, mountains, bushes, flowers, birds and animals.But Brundavanam is a vanam with a difference. It is the place where the Lord has placed his feet. It is abound with the dust of the feet of the Lord. Brundavam is a premabhoomi. Even today Brundavanam is filled with the sanctity of Lord Krushna. It is filled with temples of Bankevihari, Radhavallabha, Radharamanan worshipped by great saints. It is full of ashramas and sadhus, the air filled with the sankeerthana of vrajavasis. The Yamuna river surrounds Brundavanam with her beauty and charm. All along there are Krushna leela sthalas like Cheer ghat, Vamshivat, Keshi ghta, srungaravat. All these are a sight indeed to cherish.
Sri Sri Anna holds Brundavanam the most to His heart. He hence built a beautiful temple for vamshidhar at Goranagar colony, Radhanivas. Here he conducts Holi uthsavam, Radhakalyana uthsavam, Radhashtami uthsavam and Rasothsavam. This year he sent Sri Hari Anna to conduct the Radhakalyana uthsavam. From May 2nd to 8th the uthsavam went on in full swing. Sri Hari Anna delivered lectures on Ekadasa Skandam. He did the nithyothsava on all days right from Prabodanam to Dolothsavam. He also sang the radhika shathakam beautifully. On the day of Bharathi a grand procession was conducted for Lord Jaganmohan. The vrajavasis were filled with joy and danced merrily to many namavalis. The sankeerthana reached the skies. On that day hundreds of Vrajavasis were fed with grand dinner.. That night there was Divyanamasankeeerthanam.. On May 6 and 7th there was ashtapadhi bhajan. On 8th morning there was a grand Radhakalyanam. Sri hari anna gave a discourse on radhakalyanam from Brundavanamahathmyam. The devotees were unable to depart from Brundavanam but consoled themselves that Radhastami will soon approach.
April 10th, 11th and 12th witnessed a huge gathering at Tamil Sangam Hall, R.K Puram,
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