Skanda Puranam of Sage Vyasa extols the sanctity of the kshetra Rameswaram. RamaCharita manas of Tulsidas also refers to this kshetra. Thirupullani is also a Divyadesham ( those places sung by azhwars are called Divyadeshams). Sri Rama stayed here for 3 days in darbhashayan. Dasartha being childless prayed to this Jagannatha swamy. The Lord ordained him to do the puthrakameshti. Rama was then born by this Lord’s blessings” thus goes the sthalapuranam. The Skandapuranam says Rama worshipped Shiva here. Whereas Lord Shiva always chants the taraka mantra ( Sree Rama Ramethi). This way they both showed the world each other’s greatness. Here we can also have a view of Rama Sethu. This should be a wonder of all wonders in this world. A bath in the seas of Danushkoti will negate all our sins.
On behalf of Kanchi Acharyal Jayanthi sabha and Panduranga Bhajan mandali A mahasamrajyapattabhishekam was conducted at Rameswaram by Sri Hari Anna from July 7th to 16th. Parayanam done 125 times will be called as mahasamrajyapattabhishekam. Hence in this navaham 125 bhakthas did the parayanam of Srimad Ramayanam. Accomodation and food for 125 bhakthas were arranged by the sabha members. Besides this there were more than 500 devotees attending the navaham. The pravachanam and parayanam were arranged at Goswamy madam. The whole town resounded with the words “ Pattabhishekam”. July 7th was also a very auspicious day in that it coincided with Gurupoornima. That evening more than 500 bhakthas eagerly awaited Sri Hari Anna’s arrival. At about 6.00 p.m when he arrive ed the skies were filled with the echoes of “ Raja Ramachandra maharaj ki jai”, “ Hanuman ki Jai”. The poorna kumbam with veda mantras were offered to Hari Anna. A cow stood in front to mark auspiciousness.. Hari anna occupied the stage and welcomed the 125 bhakthas. Then a majestic and emotive discourse on KusaLava ganam followed.
From July 8th to 15th everyday the 125 devotees did the parayanam from 6.30 to 12 in one voice. It was serene and blissful to hear it. Govindapuram Chandrasekara sharma, Nagaraja Sharma, Parli Srikanth Sharma led the Parayanam. The Ramayana parayanam was also accompanied by Veda Parayanam. Ramashadakshari homam, Sankshepa Ramayana homam etc were also conducted. From 2.00 to 3.00 in the afternoon there was astapadhi bhajan and divyanamasankeerthanam in the nights. From July 8th to 12th Sri Rangaji did the pravachanam in the afternoons from 3.00 to 5.00. From 13th to 15th Smt Vishakha Hariji did the Sangeetha Upanyasam in the afternoons from 3.00 to 5.00 p.m. As the navaham rose in grandeur the crowds swelled and on the concluding day of Pattabhishekam there were more than 700 bhakthas. It was the Dakshinayana kalam too. Hence on July 16th all the bhakthas did samudrasnanam and assembled for Parayanam at 7.30 p.m. After the parayanam HariAnna did the paatabhisheka pravachanam. He said “ For a punya karma ( virtuous act) it is important that desha, kala, vyakthi should coincide. In this navaha all the three have coincided. The desham is Rameswaram, Kala- dakshinayana kala , Vyakthi- the parayankaras here are uththamadhikaris.” This was followed by pattabhishekam of Sri Rama by Hari Anna along with the parayanam of that juncture.
Sri Hari Anna also concluded in his pravachanam that this event was such a grand success because of hard work, unity, understanding, co-operation, Devathaanukulyam of the members of Acahryal Jayanthi sabha which included Sri Moorthi , Sri Venkatramani, Sri Balakrishnan, Sri Shanmugam.
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