Vibheeshana looks down at the town- a small, serene town covered fully with coconut trees, bees buzzing, cuckoos cooing, peacocks dancing, the cool wind blowing, sugarcane groves and plaintain trees the place looks extremely beautiful. ( Vandinam muralum sholai- Azhwar’s mangalasasanam). Both sides the river Cauvery gushes. Chandrapushkarani pond lies in between.. This place is an island. The town is none other than the Bhoolokavaikunta- SriRnagam. It captivates the heart of Vibheeshana who involuntarily descends from the skies. It is evening time. Vibheeshna keeps the Lord along with the Vimana on the ground, goes for his evening anushtana. The Lord has other plans. He prefers to stay at SriRangam forever. Ayodhyanathar becomes SriRanganathar. Whoever did penance for the Lord to come here of his own accord? It is not the result of one or two years of penance but several years of SriRangam, Uraiyur have all been capital cities at such times. The reign of Dasharatha. DharamaVrama was the chozha king. Dasartha did the world famous Puthrakameshti yaga. He invited all kings including the Chozha, Pandya kings. Our Dharmavarma being invited went to Ayodhya. Being a Vishnu Bhaktha he went to see the temple there. He was amazed to see Lord Ranganatha in full splendour. Dharamavarma loses himself. He goes ecstatic over the Lord’s beauty. “ Dasaratha, he gently starts his favour “ You are my close friend and associate. There is nothing that should not be shared or given in friendship. A friend will even be ready to part his house or wealth or even his life for his friend. Please may I ask you to give me this Lord Ranganatha. I shall worship Him with all sincereity as you do. I have lost myself in His charm. I know that He is your Kuladeiva. Still there are so many people who offer their prayers to their Kuladeiva who is situated in faraway lands. You may please consider my request. Does Dasaratha agree ? ( To be contd)
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