Kasi Vishwanathar chants the Rama Nama in the ear of every creature that dies in Kasi. One who dies hearing the Rama nama is sure to attain salvation. Hence Lord Siva out of boundless mercy does this great deed.It was He who told Parvathi the prabhavam of Rama Namam.” Sri Ramaramaramethi” The very chant of one Rama nama is equivalent to 1000Rama namas.. Tulasidasr began writing a grantha in Sanskrit. When he did so Lord Siva appeared before him and asked him to write in Hindi. Valmiki has already written in Sanskrit. If his work was in Hindi even laymen could understand Ramayan better.. Immediately Tulasidas began writing the Ramacharithamanas. Thus there is much relationship between Shiva and Lord Rama. Hence Lord Siva is immensely pleased if Srimad Ramayanam navaham is conducted at Lord Siva’s temple. Oct 27th to Nov 4th Sri Hari Anna’s Ramayana mahothsavam was organized at Chennai Ardhanareswarar temple, Chennai, Nanganallur. There was a huge gathering. The temple was overflowing with huge crowds. The audience was fullof rasikas and bhavukas. On the day of Paduka Pattabhishekam Sri Hari Anna said “ The Lord gives all prosperity to one who takes shelter under Him. He made Bharatha king of Ayodhya, Shatrugna the king of

Oct 31st and Nov 1st witnessed a mammoth gathering of more than 1500 devotees at
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