Virugambakkam sapthaham
A few blessed Bhagavathas join on every Sunday at Harihara temple, Virugambakkam, Chennai to do the Bhagavatha parayanam.They have completed such parayanam continuously for 100 Sundays by the grace of God. Every year they organize Hari Anna’s pravachanam.This year Hari Anna’s Bhagavatha pravachanam was held at ShivaVishnu temple, Natesan Nagar from Dec 10th to 16th. The very first day in his Daksha yagna pravachanam he said “ Lord Siva says Let all people use roses, jasmine and other such fragrant flowers. Iam pleased even by nonfragrant flowers such as thumba, errukkampil. This shows his simplicity. During the course of Bharatha Charitram he described the glory of salagrama kshetra. In vruthropakyanam he said there is a competition between the Lord and the Bhaktha. The Lord wins over the Bhaktha by His compassion and the Bhaktha wins over the Lord by his devotion.. Thus both of them win. Every morning there was parayanam and almost 30 devotees did the parayanam enthusiastically competing with each other. None did the parayanam for sambhavanai sake.On Dec 13th there was unchavruthi, Divyanamam and Radhakalyanam. The audience enjoyed all the pravachanams. The temple administrators too co-operated with the organizers and helped them conduct this sapthaham in a well organized manner.
The Udayasthanamana Navaham of Sri Hariji and Sri Rangaji at Vani Vidyalaya conducted by Mulund Bhajan Samaj, Mumbai from Dec 24th to Jan 1st was highly scholarly and educative. A huge gathering participated from morning till evening. The parayanam and pravachanam wenton alternatively. Sri Hari Anna described Lord Rama visiting Athri ashram in detail. “ Anasuya is chastity personified. Only a chaste woman knows the greatness of another chaste woman. Thus Anasuya extolled Sita Devi’s chastity.You came after Rama sacrificing all the pleasures, considering your husband as the biggest treasure. What pathibhakthi you possess! Sita Devi replied “ Nothing great of me . When Lord Rama left Ayodhya the entire Ayodhya came behind him leaving all their possessions and belongings. When the citizens themselves sacrificed everything for His sake why shouldn’t I dod so?Nothing surprising in me leaving Ayodhya.” Hari Anna delivered this discourse with great emotion.Guha sakyam, Paduka Pattabhishekam, Jatayu Moksham, Shabari moksham, Ravana prathamayudhdham, Kumbakarna yudhdham etc wre delivered by Sri Hari Anna. All his lectures were majestic and soul stirring. Vibheeshana sharanagathi went on for two sessions. The Pattabhisheka mahothsavam was on Jan 1st.On Jan 2nd Smt Vishakha Hariji rendered a musical discourse on Rama Nama Prabhavam. More than 1000 devotees attended the program.
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