Imou Kumarou Badram te Devathulyaparakramou
Gajasimhagati veerou Shardoolavrushabhopamou
Padmapatravishalakshou Khadgatunidhanurdharou
Asvinavivarupena samupasthitayouvanou
Varayudhadharou veerou kasya puthrou mahamune
Bhushayanthaavimam desham candrasuryaavivambaram
Parasparasya sadrushou pramanengithacheshtithaihi
Kakapakshadharou veerou srothumichami thathvathaha.
Viswamithra arrives at the yagashala of Janaka along with Rama, lakshmana and other maharishis. At the very sight of Rama and Lakshmana Janaka is thrilled. He lost himself in ecstasy. With great joy he enquires Viswamithra “ Oh Great sage
Imou Kumarou Badram the Devatulyaparakramou
I do not believe that these two persons standing before me could be just ordinary men. They must be Devas. Who are they. May you be blessed.
Men older in age can bless those younger to them. This is called Ashirvadam. Younger ones can also wish prosperity for those older to them. This is called Mangalashasanam. Here Janaka younger in age to Viswamithra blesses the sage out of great bliss ( on the sight of the Lord).
“ Gajasimhagatheeverou shardoolavrushabopamou”
Sri Rama walks on the streets. His majestic gati resembles that of an elephant. In the sabhamandapa he walks like a tiger and as he enters the sabha his gati is that of a lion. He stands at the sabha like a majestic bull. Janaka hence appreciatingly enquires “ Who are these men who walk like a lion and an elephant, who stand like a tiger and a bull.
“ Padmapathravishalakshou khadgathoonedhanurdharou”
Their eyes are like fully blossomed lotuses, Knife tied on to their waist, armour at their shoulders, bow and arrows in their hands they look beautiful. Who are they?
“ Ashwinavivaroopena Samupasthithayouvanou”
Amongst the Devas Ashwinikumaras are always 2 in number. Here too these youn men are two in number. May be they are Ashwinikumaras. Sri Rama is 15 years old ( yet a teenager). This is the congruence of youth and childhood. ( There is an interesting commentary on this statement.Childhood refuses to go away from Sri Rama. Youth forces childhood to leave. Its my turn now. Childhood refuses to leave asking for a little overtime). This adolescent age is called Koumaram. Janaka asks “ Rama and Lakshmana seem to be still in the stage of Koumaram.”
Kasya Puthrou mahamune?
Why have you made them walk all along. Their tender feet would be afflicted with great pain. Would you have done such an act if they had been your sons? Hence May I ask of you “ Whose sons are they”
“Bhooshayanthaavimam Desham”
The Sun and the moon are ornaments of the sky. So are these two children ornaments of Mithila.
“ Parasparasya”
Rama resembles lakshmana and vice versa too.
They resemble each other in form, act, manners, including their curly hair.
Janaka is a mahagnani. As soon as he saw Rama he realized that he was none other than the Lord Himself. Still immersed in the beauty of Sri Rama, he wanted to listen to Ramagunas from the very mouth of Viswamithra. Hence he made all the above enquiries.
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