Sarve Gnanopasampannaha Sarve Samuditha Gunaihi
Theshamapi Mahathejaha Ramaha Sathyaparakramaha
Ishtaha Sarvasya Lokasya Sashaanka Iva Nirmalaha
Gajaskandheswaprushte cha Rathacharyaasu Sammathaha
Danurvede cha Nirathaha Pithuhu sushrushane Rathaha
Dasaratha did a puthrakaameshti yaga for the sake of begetting progeny. He was fortunate to have got the Lord Himself as his son. The very Lord Sriyapathi chose Dasaratha as His father. The Lord was born to dasaratha in 4 forms. Valmiki Bhagavan gives the greatness of all four of them in the first sloka and then proceeds to illustrate Sri Rama’s greatness.
Rama, Lakshmana, Bharatha and Shatrugna knew the Vedas entirely. They were capable of doing anything and everything. Their only goal was the welfare of the world. They were all brilliant and virtuous. Out of the four of them Sri Rama was exudingly radiant and staunch follower of truth. His principle was truth and it was his parakrama. Thus Valmiki refers to Him as “ Sathyaparakramaha”.
1) He stood by truth when he went for vanavasa for the sake of his father’s boon to kaikeyi.2) He promised the maharishis that he would destroy all the rakshasas and he kept his word.3) To Sugriva he vowed that he will kill vali and free Sugriva. He did so.4) To Vibheeshana he said “ Lanka belongs to you”. He kept his word. Thus it is very apt that Valmiki calls him sathyaparakrama.
Those suffereing in the scorching heat will enjoy the cool showers of the moon at night.Likewise those suffering form the bondage of samsara will get peace looking at the face of ramachandra. He was loved by one and all. He practiced elephant riding, horse riding and archery. He was above all a great pithrubaktha.
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