Sri.Hari Anna's Programs .....
SriKrishnapremi swamigal fondly called as SriAnna was born in Sanganallur, a small village in tamilnadu, YogaSadhanas. This saint however wished to prove the world that the easiest way to attain the lotus feet of the Lord is nevertheless the path of Bhakthi. He revered SriBhagavanNama Bodendral as his Mansika Guru. He took to Srimad Bhagavatham as his pramana grantha [Authoritative treatise]. He founded a glorious sampradaya called PremikaSampradaya.[SriAnna is addressed as Premika].
SriBhakthaKolahalaKrishna is his Upasana deity. Paranur is a village near Villupuram. SriAnna built a wonderful temple for SriKolahalan in this small village. Thenceforth he started living there. He himself performed all the sevas to SriKolahalan right from Suprabhatham in the morning, the afternoon pooja, the evening rituals till dolothsavam in the night. Like SriThiyagaraja Swamigal who sang Utsava sampradaya keerthanas to his IshtaDaiva Lord Rama, SriAnna composed Uthsava krithis for the seva of SriKolahalan.[Suprabhatham to Dolothsavam]. Those Keerthanas are being sung till date during the pooja of the lord in Paranur. Besides this SriAnna has composed several Shathakas[A Shathaka consists of 100 Krithis] including 1. Raghava Shathakam 2. Radhika Shathakam 3. Yugala Shathakam 4. Govinda Shathakam 5. Ranga Shathakam etc. He has composed more than 1000 Krithis to date. It is definite that SriAnna visits Paranur every Ekadasi.There he follows `the Ekadasi Vratham in a strict manner, fasting, performing Abhishekam to Kolahalan, Pravachanam in the evening and Divyanama Sankeerthanam in the night. Gokulasthtami Utsavam is a grand affair in Paranur with 1000’s of devotees participating, Bhakthi overflowing through the streets. Navarathri Utsavam, Vasanthothsavam, SriRamanavami Utsavam, Keerthanavali utsavam, Thepothsavam are the othert festivals celebrated grandly at Paranur.
SriAnna has also established a VedaPatashala at Paranur. There is also a Goshala beautifully maintained by him. These have been established by a trust founded by him. The trust is named “SriKrishnapremi Swamigal Baghavatha Dharmam trust”. This trust is run exclusively by the efforts of SriAnna.
SriAnna wished to spread awareness about the importance of Bhakthi in the minds of the people of
Akhila Bharatha Sadhu Sangam functions in Chennai,
SriAnna holds Brindavanam very close to his hearts. Hence he built an Ashram called PremaMadhuriKunjam in RadhaNivas, Goranagar colony, Brindavanam. Here he built an exquisite temple for SriRadhaVamsidhara Krishna. Here too like paranur the rituals take place according to Premika Sampradaya [ Suprabhatham to Dolothsavam]. The main festivals celebrated here are Radhasthtami, Rasothsavam, Holy, and RadhaKalyanam. Every year SriAnna visits Brindavanam four times for these Uthsavams.
This Ashram is at Alagar kovil,
Melkote is a kshetram near
There lived a saint by name Krishnasuri in Thiruchanganallur [Chenganur]. It is he who is called Periyavachanpillai in tamil. He has commented on the entire 4000 Divyaprabhandhams. SriAnna incarnated in his vamsa. Periyavachanpillai had earlier constructed a temple for Lord Srinivasa. SriAnna too has built a small but beautiful temple for Pandurangan in this village. Besides this he has constructed a Mutt for PeriyavachanPillai. Periyavachanpillai too was born on a Avani Rohini incidentally SriAnna too was born on a AvaniRohini[Rohini star – Tamil month of Avani]. Hence on that day there is a procession of Periyavachanpillai to that Mutt built by SriAnna. Also every year it is routine that on January 26th the KalyanaUtsavam of LordSrinivas and Panduranga are conducted.
SriAnna has written innumerable works in Sanskrit. To my knowledge after Valmiki and Vyasa he is the only person to write 40,000 slokas. Some of the important works are SriVaishnavaSamhita, Divyadesa Vaibhavam, Brindavana Mahatmiyam etc.He also has written works in various languages such as tamil, telgu, marati and the like. He also runs a monthly tamil magazine called BagavathaDharmam.
SriAnna established an association called Bramhasabha to spread BagavathaDharmam throughtout the whole world. Bhajans, Parayans, Pravachans etc are being conducted at
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