There once lived a king by name Sumathi who was a dharmic ruler. He was a truthful and victorious king. He ruled the Thondaimandalam. Under his reign there was prosperity and peace all over. He once went to Thirumala for a darshan of Lord Venkateswara. The Lord pleased with his devotion said “ May you ask of me anything you want. I shall grant you.” The King said “ Iam unworthy of your compassion. But I would like to see that divine sport when you were the charioteer of that Arjuna.” The Lord at once agreed. “ I will show it to you when the time comes”. The king too returned to his palace.
Yet another time certain brahamanas came to the king and requested him to kill the rakshasas wandering in the forests of Narayanavana near Seshachalam. The King immediately left to narayanavana in search of the rakshasas. Hearing his shankanada the whole place was filled suddenly by a battalion of man eating rakshasas. The rakshasas started causing great havoc and ate up even the charioteer of king Sumathi. The king now in a fix, terribly fearing the proceedings meditated on the Lord. The Lord, the saviour of one and all appeared as the King’s charioteer. A turban in His head, with the lagan in His hands, sporting a moustache and with beautiful lotus like eyes.” Oh King, Do not worry. I shall drive your chariot. May you fight the rakshasas without any panic. It is definite that victory is yours.” That chariteer very well versed in charioteering captivated the king’s heart by his wonderful glances and adept driving. The King easily won the battle by the support of his charioteer. He wanted to honour the charioteer who atonce vanished. Only then the king came to know that his sarathy was none other than the Parthasarathy. He immediately began crying “ Why have you disappeared. Please come before Me. How unfortunate that I did not realize that it was none other than You who supported me in the battle.” The Lord said “ May you go back to your place and build a temple for me there. I shall show my form there”. Thus the king built a temple and it is Lord Venkatewshwara who manifested there as Parthasarathy. This is the Brundaranya kshetram.( near Allikeni). Hence known by the name Thiruvallikeni.
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