Vanamamalai is a serene kshetra at the banks of river Tambraparni. There once lived a sage by name Kushasanar who was a great Vishnubhaktha. He used to cook food and perform neivedhyam to the Lord everyday. One day he placed the food for nivedanam and left to perform his madhyanhika anushtana at the banks of the river Sindhu. It was at the same time that the king of Sindhu passed by that place. He was very hungry. Entering the ashram precincts he was surprised to see the food placed at the alter of the Lord. Being deadly hungry he ate the food without it being offered to the Lord. The sage just then entered and was shocked to see the king eat the food before it being offered to the Lord. He atonce cursed the king for entering the ashram like a dog and partaking the food before the nivedanam. May you become a dog for such a grossly misbehaved act, he said. The king was sorry for his behaviour and asked pardon. The sage immediately said the waters of the river Tambraparni will cure you of your misdeed.
The king now a dog wandered through the streets and was being brought up by a streethawker. He once chanced to passby the river Tambraparni where he bathed and quenched his thirst. His dog too did the same and atonce was transformed into the Sindhu ruler. People around were shocked to see this wonder. The ruler then narrated his entire tale and left for his kingdom. The sage Romasha who heard this story was surprised to hear this tale. He decided to perform penanceat the banks of the river. His penance was very sincere and severe. The Devas however sought to hinder his penance. They sent Urvashi and Thiloththama to somehow make him stop his penance. Looking at the apsaras the sage said “ Neither will I live with you through kama nor will I curse you through kopa. Nor do I have the mada (pride) of having conqured both lust and anger. Iam devoid of anger, lust and pride because I have the Lord in my heart. As sooon as he said these words the Lord atonce came in the form of a svayambumoorthy. That Lord of Vanamamalai also called Totadri shone in splendour with His four hands, his conch and discuss. Looking at His beautiful form the sage extolled Him. Vishwakarma constructed a city called SriVaramangalam following the Lords svambhu archavatharam as a salagramamurthy. All devotees flocked to see the Lord. Glory to the Lord of Vaanamamalai.
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