Kalyanaabhijanaha Sadhuradeenaathma Mahamathihi
Vyasaneshu manushyanam Brusham Bhavathi Dukhithaha
Uthsaveshu cha Sarveshu pitheva Parithushyathi
Sathyavadhi Maheshvaaso Vrudhasevi Jithendriyaha.
All characters of Srimad Ramayanam are ideal characters. A father has to be like Dasaratha. He even sacrificed his life for his son. A ruler also has to be like dasaratha. He treated the citizens of Ayodhya like Gods. Brothers should be like Bharatha, Shatrugna, Lakshmana. Pathivrathas ought to be like Seetha. A friend ought to be like Sugriva. A dasa ought to be like Hanuman. A refugee ought to be like Vibheeshana. This family is an auspicious family”- says Valmiki.” Kalyanabhijanaha.
This family had extreme devotion towards SriRama. The reason is Rama’s virtues. Sri Ramaavatharam took place several yugas before. We live in a completely different yuga. Still we beget devotion towards SriRama on listening to His transcendental virtues. Thus what is surprising if Lakshmana, Baratha, Hanuman became devoted to the Lord, they being born in the same age as Rama. This is why Valmiki describes Sri Rama’s virtues in Ramayana every now and then.
He is agood ruler who participates in the joys and sorrows of the people. He who is indifferent towards the people and is intent only on his happiness is of no use to the people. Sri Rama participated in each and evry activity of the people. For example he used to share the joy of a marriage of his citizen, he helped the needy. He was truthful. He sacrificed his kingdom for the sake of truth. He was valorous. He was humble towards the sadhus. He knew good music. He had controlled his senses. As soon as Dsaratha asked him to leave to the forest he did so with a happy heart. He did not expect Rajyasukha. This is an example of his extensive control of his senses.
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