Barthuhu Sushrushaya nari labhathe Swargamuthamam
Api Yaa Nirnamskara Nivruththa Devapoojanath
Susrushameva Kurveetha Barthuhu Priyahithe ratha
Our nation is full of pathivrathas. Many chaste women lived in the past as in the present. The chaste women consider service to their husband as their only goal in life. Hence they never leave their husband for any reason atall. It is not surprising if a wife serves a husband who is very favourable to her, handsome looking,, wealthy etc. She is indeed a chaste woman who serves even an ugly looking, characterless, sick, poor husband.
Kousalya was a great chaste woman. When Sri Rama left for the forest Kousalya did not admonish Dasaratha. Nor did she plead with him to make them stay at Ayodhya. She instead stayed by his side, fanning him and consoling him. Sita looked at this. She said atonce “ I learn from Kousalya what Sthree dharma is”.
Sri Rama took leave of Kousalya as he left for the forest. Kousalya requested that he must take her along with him as she could not live without him. Sri Rama advised that it was not righteous to leave Dasaratha and come with him. Those women who do not support their husband will not beget swarga. She might not serve the Devas or perform other rites. But she should definitely serve her husband.
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