1) “ Those who harm others will reap its fruits”- who said this to whom?
2) Narada wanders like---------------- says Sukha.
3) What is the greatness of Madhuvana?
4) What are the two meanings of “ sthanuriva”?
5) The Lord eagerly waits to bless His devotees.What example does Druva give for this?
Answers for the month of October 2011
1) Athri
2) He obtained a high post. Hence he became proud of His post.
3) “Bruhaspathisavam” was the sacrifice
4) Siva speaks to Parvathi and tells her that it goes to the Paramathma who is the antharyami of all.
5) Siva gave to Parvathi
1) Girija seetharaman----------------I------------30+10=40points
2) Karthik Venkatraman-------------I------------50=10=60
3)Radhika Venkatraman-------------I------------50+10=60
4)Srinivasan Sujatha---------------------I------------54+10=64
5) Radhakrishnan Ramamurthy----------I-------------32=10=42
6) Sethuraman---------------------------II------------56+8=64
7) Padma Narayanan---------------------III-----------40+6=46
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