Dharmasamsrithamethathcha Pithurvachanamuththamam
The Lord takes avatharas for the sake of establishing dharma. Dharma will never be destroyed. The Lord will not allow dharma to be destroyed. Whenever Dharma declines the Lord takes the form of a fish or a tortoise or a varaha and re-establishes dharma. In the Ramaavathara He follwed dharma to its fullest extent. He showed the potency of truth. There isn’t a single virtue that He did not exhibit in His Avathar.
Sri Rama went to the forest happily. He had he happiness of having fulfilled His father’s wish. He was happy that he followed the principles of truth and dharma. But Lakshmana was sad that Rama had to go to exile. Hence he said to Rama “ kaikeyi has cheated Dasaratha. Dasaratha has given the boons having been deceived by her. This is not dharma at all. This is not truth. Hence you need not go to the forest. You can be coronated king and can rule the kingdom.” Rama replied at once ‘ You speak these words out of affection towards me. You can realize the depths of dharama if you think deeply. Kaikeyi has not deceived Dasaratha. It was Dasaratha who said “ I promise on Rama. Ask anything you need.” The Ikshavaku rulers never go back on their words. Dasaratha has followd truth all his life. Hence it is our duty to keep him truthful all his life by following his words.
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