Topic: Sri Vishnupuranam
Venue: Madanagopala Swamy temple
Time: 6:30 to 8:30 pm
On Feb 8, morning 9-12 RadhaKalyanam.
Topic: Krishnaleela
Venue:Moyan's school

Topic: Purandaras Charitram
Venue:Seva Sangam Hall,Williams Road, Contonment
Time: 6:30 to 8:30 pm
Musical Concert
Venue: Goratha Mulai,North Chitra St. Sri Rangam
Time: 7 to 9 pm
I simply cannot believe this! Is this really the blog of Sri.Hariji? What fortune I must have done to discover this blog. Sir, I am a "parama rasika" of Smt.Vishaka Hari. I find a lot of happiness and peace in her wonderful upanyasams. Is it possible to convey my best wishes to you and Smt.Vishaka? Sir, thank you very much for posting the concert schedule of Smt.Vishaka every month. I was searching for a website to find out Smt.Vishaka's concert schedule and by the grace of god, I have found it out!! Sir,Please keep posting details so that rasikas like me can attend the beautiful concerts of Smt.Vishaka!
Your well wisher,
Namaskaram anna!! when can we get march month schedule of your's and Vishaka manni?
I am wondering where I can buy a comprehensive collection of Smt.Vishaka's cds. I have managed to find Sundara Kandam, Seetha Kalyanam, Prahlada Charithram and Punrandaradasar Charithram. I am interested in the Thyagaraja Charithram and the Andal Charithram. Could you please tell me where I can find them?
Hello sir,
I am here with attaching Sree Thyagaraja Charithram which is available in Youtube. Here is the link
( there are many parts available in youtube.once u paste this link, u will automatically identify rest.
Andal Charithram:
I don't know whether you are looking for Andal Kalyanam which is also available in youtube. here is the link:
( check rest of the part in youtube. it is easily available.
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