Sri Ranganatha began speaking to Brahma. This upadesha is referred to as Ranga Geetha. Just as Lord Krishna taught Arjuna a Bhagavad Gita, just as Lord Rama preached Bharatha a Rama Gita, so did Ranga, the All Merciful Lord gave to the world The Ranga Gita . He spoke as follows:
“ Iam called by different names, Vishnu, Vishwarupa, Vaasudeva, Narayana and many more. Every name of mine denotes my parathathva. 1) Vishnu, Iam called because I exist throughout the whole world right from an atom to the biggest possible space. From a blade of grass to a huge pillar I pervade in all forms. I exist in each and every form. Thus Iam with and without form ( formless). 2) All the parts of every being belong to me and not to him. His nose, eyes and hands are all part of my Universal body. Hence Iam also called Vishvarupi. 3) Devotees call me Vaasudeva because I cover the entire Universe with my cosmic form. ( vasa aachchadane).4) The society of naras ( men) is naaram and Iam the ayana-refuge for such naaram. Thus Iam called Narayana.
Iam the only refuge in this kaliyuga. Those who wish to see me can do so either at temples or at their own houses. I will take the form of archa ( idol). However never should one think of me as just a stone. Let them worship my form and not see my dravya( ingredient). Just as one loves his mother or father by their form ignoring the muscles, bones and blood that they are made of, let them shower their love on me. I shall respond to such selfless love. To my devotee I shall speak, show him mercy and save him from bondage. To a non-devotee who looks at me as a statue I shall remain so. He is the loser. Such a person is indeed unfortunate as he will not be able to experience my boundless love and mercy.” Brahma questions:
( To be continued)
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