1. The answers should be mailed within 25th of the month to annahariji@gmail.com
2. Points will be alloted for the First, second and Third prizes.First - 10 Second - 8 Third - 6
3. The points will be cumulated every month if you get first, second or third.
4. The participants with the maximum points will be awarded first, second and third prizes at the end of the year.
5. The prizes will be distributed by Hariji at a grand function held at the end of the year.
1) “ Thvayi me”- Kunti asks. According to her how should one’s mind be dedicated to the Lord ?
2) “ Drounyastratha”- From which danger did the Lord save? ( Which incident does Kunti refer here?)
3) Why did Dharmaputra visit Bheeshma?
4) Who is Devavrata?
5) Who are Guhyakas?
1) Who is forbidden to even chant the name of the Lord?
Ans: Those who are blinded by pride of birth, wealth and education are unfit to chant His name. ( Janmaiswaryasruthasreebhihi)
2) What is treasured by the sadhus most?
Ans: The Lord is sadhus’ wealth. – Akinchanaviththaya.
Just as the boat struggles in midsea so does the earth struggles- bhuvonamevodadhou.- says Kunthi.
4)“ Bhavesmin klishyamananam”- What is the reason for the avathar of the Lord in this sloka?
People on suffer from ignorance, lust and Karma. If an avatharam takes place such people will hear about the lilas, think of them. Thus they can be liberated and be given bliss.
5)“ Ime janapadaha” What is the reason behind Indraprastha’s prosperity?
His merciful glance is the reason for Indraprastha’s prosperity.
1 comment:
While mentioning the answers please mention the Skandam,Sargam and Slokam Number under which the answer belongs.
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