Kamam kalu satham vruththe bratha the bharathaha sthithaha
Jyeshtanuvarthi dharmathma sanukroshaha jithendriyaha
In the Gita The Lord says “ May you treat happiness and sorrow alike.” The wise realize that grief and joy, praise and censure, gain and loss are factors affecting the body alone and not the soul. They practice that they are not the gross body but the subtler soul. Thus a gnanayogi is able to treat sorrow and happiness at the same level. Thoe a Karma yogi as he gets involved in an activity he disassociates himself as the doer. Thus he does not suffer from ego nor does he expect the fruits of his action. He is satiated by the very act of dharma and expects nothing else. Hence he too is able to maintain an equilibrium between joy and grief. The best epitome of this is Sri Ram. He was able to reflect the joy of kingsmenship and the grief of exile ( vanavasam) as equal emotions.
Dasharatha beckoned Rama to inform him about his coronation the very next day. Sri Rama was cheerful and silent. But He was still down to earth unmoved by excitement. Dasharatha was great at mind reading. Yet he stood ignorant of Sri Rama’s depth of emotions. “12 years have passed by. Bharatha has all along lived at his maternal uncle’s house at Kekaya kingdom. Why is this coronation now arranged without him? thus may Rama think” ponders Dasaratha. He hence extols the virtues of Bharatha. Bharatha is a knower of all dharamas. He is a follower of the elders. He very well knows that only the eldest begets the throne in the ikshvakuvamsha. He loves Rama. He is a destroyer of the senses.
Whatever Dasharatha says as above we can observe in Bharatha. “ Jyeshtanuvarthi dharmathma”- As soon as Bharatha comes back from Kekaya desham he says” Am I such a greedy person so as to usurp the throne of Rama? I will surrender to Rama and stay at His feet.” Bharatha also sacrificed everything and came to Rama’s lotus feet.
“Sanukroshaha”- A Lover of Rama. Often Bharatha used to say “ Sri Rama is so innocent. He might easily get cheated.
“ Jithendriyaha”- Bharatha led a life of asceticism. He wore knotted hair, and the bark of the tree stayed at Nandigrama for 14 fullyears, sacrificing material pleasures and leading a life of an ascetic. This shows his non-indulgence.
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