Vibheeshana looks at Dharmavarma and consoled him. “Oh King, I appreciate your devotion but please give me way to carry my Lord. He is My lord because Sri Rama has himself given him to me. Iam on my way to Lanka.. Give me way please.” DharmaVarma says “ May be it is true that Rama gave Him to you, but I had been to Ayodhya quite before you. I had prayed to the Lord Himself that He may come over to SriRangam and stay with me forever. The Lord in His archaavathara has used you as his vaahana. It is He who has infact made Rama give him to you so that you may bring him over to this place. Once the procession is over the vaahana(carrier) goes to its mandapa, likewise you may retire to your abode.” Vibheeshana is taken aback. It is impossible for me to go back to Lanka without the lord. Let us not quarrel between us. Let us ask the Lord Himself. We shall wait for His answer. They pray to the Lord. “ Oh Lord of Lords, please give us an answer. To whom do you belong”. The Lord replies “ I belong to all. .Iam under the control of my devotees. Both you and Dharmavarma are my true devotees. Both of you are two eyes for me. But the fact is that Dharamavarma cannot come to Lanka to have my darshan as he is an ordinary human being. He cannot cross the sea. But Vibheshana being a rakshasa can come to see me through the akhasamarga.( through the skies). Hence I shall stay here. Vibheeshana can worship me in the nights and Dharmavarma during the daytime. Thus he consoles both of them. Vibheeshana too circumbulates the Lord and leaves for Lanka. The Lord stays at Srirangam facing Lanka expecting Vibheeshana every night.
( to be contd)
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