1. The answers should be mailed within 25th of the month to annahariji@gmail.com
2. Points will be alloted for the First, second and Third prizes.First - 10 Second - 8 Third - 6
3. The points will be cumulated every month if you get first, second or third.
4. The participants with the maximum points will be awarded first, second and third prizes at the end of the year.
5. The prizes will be distributed by Hariji at a grand function held at the end of the year.
1) How big was the form of the Lord when he gave darshan in the womb of Uththarakumari?
2) What was the Lord doing with his gada ( mace) while He gave such a darshan?
3) “Arjunayoho dvayoho”- Who are the two Arjunas?
4) What is the meaning behind the name “ Vishnuratha”
5) “Parakshit”. What does this term mean according to Vyasa in Bhagavatham?
1) The Dwarakavasis welcomed Lord Krishna with upaharas. It seemed as if they showed Deeparadhana to SuryaBhagavan- 11th Adyaya, 4th sloka
4) Seven
5) “Madanopi”- 1st meaning: manmatha unable to create lust in the Lord was defeated and hence broke his sugarcane bow and surrendered to the Lord.
2nd meaning- Amadanopi- Lord Shiva looked at
1) Padma Narayanan- First Prize- 32+10
2) Hari Krishnan- First Prize- 10
3) Girija Seetharaman- Second Prize- 42+8
4) Radhika Venkatraman- Third Prize- 52+6
5) Karthik Venkatraman- Third Prize -40+6
6) Gopika Sampath- Third Prize- 34+6
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