Dasharathanrupasoonu saththamabhyam Thrunashayanenuchithe sahoshithabyam
Kushikasuthavachonulalithabhyam kshanamiva sa vibhabhou vibhavari cha
Just as all rivers mingle into the sea so do all sadhus seek Lord Rama. “Sarvadaabhigatha sadbhihi”- says Valmiki. Sri Rama stays in the midst of sadhus both in Ayodhya and in the forest. Thus there is no deshabedham- difference due to place. Sadhus stay both with baalaRama and YuvaRaama. Hence there is no difference due to age.Also Sri Rama was in the midst of sadhus while he was Pattabhirama or Vanavaasa Rama.Hence there is no difference due to Avastha- status. Sadhus hence never left Rama in all states, at all times, and at all avasthaas.
Rakshasas obstructed the yaga of Vishwamithra at Sidhdhasrama. Vishwamithra took Rama and Lakshmana along to Sidhasrama so that Maricha and Subahu may be conquered. They all came to the banks of Sarayu. Vishwamithra’s affection towards Rama swells up intensesly. They decided to saty there that night. He made a bed of grass for Rama and Lakshmana to sleep. Sri Rama not knowing this said to Lakshmana “ The sage is going to sleep, let us do him paadaseva.” The sage however asked Rama and Lakshmana to lie down. Unable to disobey his orders they both lied down on the grass.- Valmiki says “ this shayana- bed is anuchithe-unfit for these Raajakumaras. They who deserve to sleep on velvet beds, in Golden palaces are now lying down on barren grounds admist whirling winds on grass beds. Thyagaraja swami says ‘ Nee sogasu, nee dinusu vere”. Vishwamithra who is capable of creating yet another swarga, couldn’t he have created a Rajabhavanam for them Sri Anna replies “ Rishis are deergadarshis- those possessed with farsight. May be knowing that Rama had to undergo 14years of vanavasa , Vishwamithra now gives an experience of vanavasa and thrunasahayana. Now Vishwamithra sitting by the side of Rama and Lakshmana recited to them many stories of Dharama throughout the night. Thus he caressed Rama with his hands and words. The night passed as a second to Rama who was thus caressed. There is yet another lesson as “ Sukhamiva sa”- instead of “ Kshanamiva sa”. Which means the whole night passed very merrily for Rama. For Rathri Devi too the night passed quickly and joyously as she enjoyed Rama’s beauty as he lay asleep.- Sleeping Beauty indeed.
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please update the blog for this month.....
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