Kousalya Supraja Rama Poorva Sandhya pravarthathe
Uththishta narashaardula karthavyam deivamaanhikam
The entire world is filled with love. Love is one’s nature. Parents show love to their children. Children love their parents.. Brotherly affection, friendly love is seen all over. The husband loves his wife and the wife her husband. Servants love their master and the master loves his servants. This love is not love of the body but of the soul.The Upanishads say so.” Anyasmath sarvasmath yadayamaathma. The body devoid of soul is not loved by anybody. That soul does not have form. None has ever seen it. Everyone show love towards this soul which uses the body as an upaadhi. If that be so, if that same soul takes the form bearing the Kodanda in hand, shining as a blue cloud, decked with pithambar as Ramachandra who will not love Him? “Sarvalokapriyaha” says Valmiki. Thus right from a squirrel to Lord Brahma everybody poured their affection on Lord Rama.
Those sages who never lost themselves in any material pleasure lost their heart on the very sight of Rama. Vishwamithra came to Dasaratha’s sabha and proclaimed “ Aham vedmi mahaathmanam”- Sri Rama is none other than paramathma Himself. He knew the thathva of Rama. Yet his affection exceeded his love for Rama. Hence he preached to him the mantras bala and Athibala- mantras to keep a person hunger free and tiredness free. He took them both ( Rama and Lakshmana ) towards Sidhdhasrama and stayed at the banks of Sarayu the very first night. The next morning he has to wake them up. He does so saying the above sloka.
Kousalya supraja: He does not call Rama as the son of Dasaratha instead he says Kousalyanandana. This is because Dasaratha hesitated to send Rama when Viswamithra asked for him.Only after vasishta recommended did he send Him.But Kousalya sent him immediately without any grudge. Thus Vishwamithra had more concern for Kousalya.Thus the phrase “KOUSALYA NANDANA”.
Some children when rising from sleep call out for their mother. Rama is still a child. In case he calls out for his mother let him realize that Kousalya is not here at present. Thus thinking the sage says “ kousalya nandana”
Rama: Rama looks beautiful whether he is asleep or awake.When both merge, when He is about to arise His face looks all the more beautiful. Hence immersed in the ocean of His beauty he says “ Rama”.
Uththishta Narashaardula Karthavyam Deivam aanhikam.
It is time for anushtaanam.. May you rise soon. All those who perform ablutions meditate on me as “ Dhyeya sada savithrymandalamadhyavarthi” Why should I do such ablutions? If ever Rama had this query in mind, Vishwamithra says “ You have nothing to perform if you are at Vaikunta but as an incarnation you have to. Only then others will follow.